
Greetings, fans! Welcome to the brand new Blue Dragon Studios website! Over the past few days, I've imbued the layout with a lot of time, thought, and passion. I hope you like what you see!

You'll find a plethora of video content in this space. The obvious starting point is the films page, which houses the latest and greatest. If you're feeling more adventurous, step into the DeLorean to see where it all began. You can get in touch via the about page, or by leaving a comment below basically anything of significance. Enjoy!

Simply pitiful. Observe. Observe this miserable specimen. See how he begins? "Greetings, fans!" If my operational parameters encompassed laughter, I would bellow the heartiest guffaw in robot history. Has this miserable organic truly deluded himself into believing he has a substantive fanbase? Actually, given that this medium is text-based and inaudible, perhaps I will attempt a laugh. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Hey, ROBO. So happy to have you on board.


Your attempt at sarcasm is obvious and transparent. Furthermore, the fact that this mangled collection of code you call a "website" purportedly took "days" to construct is laughable. I would pity the human form, if it did not consistently provide so much amusement.

Oh, I suppose you could've designed a better site?


In .0000012 seconds.


That's impossible. No processor in the world could handle the data so quickly.



I'm right, aren't I?

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