"SWIPING" casting call!
Greetings actors! If you're reading this, you're probably interested in learning more about Blue Dragon Studios' latest acting opportunity: the short film Swiping.
Swiping tracks the first date of a man and a woman who meet via an online dating app. Over the course of an evening, they share laughs, talk about their hopes and dreams, and display an evident chemistry. Both participants leave excited… but will their enthusiasm persist in the following days?
Apart from a few flourishes at the beginning and end, Swiping consists of a series of conversations between two people over the course of a single night. As such, these are only two roles we’re looking to cast:
1. Ben - A marketing professional in his late twenties/early thirties, Ben recently moved to LA to pursue creative ambitions related to filmmaking. Along the way, Ben throws himself into the Los Angeles dating scene. Moderately successful/handsome/charming/funny (but not overwhelmingly so in any of these categories), Ben generally succeeds in engaging/entertaining his dates. But when it comes to getting romantic prospects to consider him seriously… it’s a struggle.
2. Ariel - A tall, striking model/fashion designer in her late twenties/early thirties, Ariel maintains a positive attitude and a busy social/professional calendar. Eager to laugh and immediately charming, Ariel uses dating apps to meet new romantic prospects (she uses the apps to deliberately date people who have no connection to the fashion world). However, in the midst of a career transition, dating can sometimes become more of an afterthought for her than a primary area of focus.
Both of these roles require charm, thoughtfulness, subtlety, and a great deal of ease/facility exchanging dialog. Actors of any ethnic background will be considered for either role.
The shoot will take place in Los Angeles, California. The shoot is non-union and will most likely be completed in 1-2 days. Actors will be paid $150 a day. Ultimately, the completed film will end up on YouTube, this website, and possibly a few short film festivals.
Interested talent should forward their acting resume, headshot, and links to any previous film projects to this address: producer@bluedragonstudios.com.
Based in Los Angeles, California, Blue Dragon Studios has churned out over 90 film projects in the last 15 years. Most of these you'll find scattered across the pages of this very website (start here).
Stylistically, Swiping represents a more of a measured, contemplative project than previous Blue Dragon Studios efforts. However, the shorts below still provide a good idea of the scope, quality, and variety of the work we do.